Sunday, April 13, 2014


Time and again we get to hear that “its hard to come across  even a one person whom you could trust “. And its not myth too.  How to dig up these kind of human beings???  Few days back ,I wanted to make this my face book status.. “ you are lucky if you are having someone you can blindly trust, who would never hurt you..!! who would not play with your feelings..!! then you will be in heaven..!!”  but  hey ..!! one thought stopped me to do this. Which was yeah..its imperative  to find that trust worthy person in life and its equally easier- said- than- done too. But you know whats more important ? ..its “To be that trustworthy person..!!” on whom someone could have faith, on whom someone could rely any time.

To be like this is such a tremendous feeling. Coz if you are like someone who is so mentally strong that “blaming”, “expectation” are no longer in his\her dictionary then you can love truly..!! its hard sometimes you might get hurt ,however you don’t feel as you cheated someone, not being were best at what you were behaving …doing..and being..!!

And the beauty of , I would call , becoming “TRUST BEING”( alien form of human being:P) is that you are not in any guilt. Its purity you feel ..i have seen people who claim they are guilty(not sure if they realy are..:P) are suffering all the time. And its true guilt is huge affliction.

When you are guilty or feeling sad about not having someone to trust or any negative feeling which makes you insecure and empty inside. Don’t look for trust factor outside..the key is to find it inside ..!! TRUST YOURSELF  and there will be no void. Fill yourself with honesty ,truth,love,acceptance and forgiveness and here you go..!! A trust being is ready .its good for you and its good for others too.:)

So becoming “trust being” is a process..a journey and its destination is purity of soul..!!:)
Then you can connect better with ppl. better..& become better…!! And so don’t always look for these “trust beings”..just try to be..!!:)

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