Thursday, October 14, 2010


I asked a child ..what makes you happy…a chocolate ice-cream…he said…!

I asked to parents what makes them happy…they said when their children do well in life…!

A fine art piece gives happiness to an artist…!

Happiness for a businessmen is when his company earns profit…!!

Whether I ask each and every person of this world…answer would be the same..if their desires get fulfilled…, they are happy..!

Desires, expectations have a strong relation with happiness but happiness should not be dependent on desires…it just a way…not the destination.

wishes can be many or less but happiness derive from it, is always enormous…the joy of getting a candy for a child is same as the excitement of winning the lottery for a man.

No meters, kilometers, inches nothing….there is no measurement for happiness…it’s a feeling..! only a smile and cheerful heart say everything.

Having a Mercedes, swimming pool, sea facing bunglow can’t guarantee “happiness” !
We don’t/shouldn’t need to have worldly pleasure for happiness. Happiness comes from within. If a list is prepared for happiness. The richest person can be …last and a poor farmer …first…! So happiness is not the legacy of rich people only.

Live for the moments, don’t wait for big milestones…because while waiting for one….you will lose millions of small small moments..full of happiness.

what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.

some ppl believe that they are destined to b unhappy, they don't deserve happyness. but they are realy wrong everybody deserves to be happy. for this self actualization is realy important . your happyness is your responsibility. it is being in love with living

"Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."

This definition of happiness by Og Mandino

we will have to give full credit to Mr. Og Mandino for sharing such a b'ful definition with us.

Sometimes we lose our happiness by comparing ourselves with someone, who may be better then us...but just accept yourself is the key…! And not only accepting…do it with pride. You are so special in your own never regret for what you are and don’t compare yourself with anybody and you will be happy forever.

Now Lets think like a mature person..Imagine you are a business man who has lost everything in recession. And you are facing a worse situation. Now what will you do????

Will you start believing that nothing can be done, I have lost it??
Or will you do suicide, because the loan you have taken from the market???

I have not mentioned positive options here because, in these kind of conditions, we get drowned in negativity. And we all have read that people have committed suicide during recession… but for a while we must think of GOD. He has given us a b’ful life to live. Love this life and I should write in block letters that …LOVE YOURSELF….this is the only way to be happy..!

We all know “happiness lies with in us”…but there are certain things called “happiness boosters” which make you happy in daily life. For ex.
! do what you love to do. Listen your favorite music, travel, sing, write, play , watch movies…and so on. You will be happy from your heart.
!try to help some one in need. It is said that if you want to cheer yourself up…cheer someone else up..

! Sometimes behave like a kid, think like a kid…give rest to professional inside you.
!at least take out 15 min. once a day, to think about your life.
! Learn to forgive others and yourself too.
!and finally think simply, live simply…!

Just forget..reasons to be sad, unhappy .do one commitment to yourself that you will smile in all condition…half of the problems will be solved now and then. When you feel happiness in your heart , you spread it all over and create a positive environment.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

“don’t get angry”

IMAGE: the sun at its extreme fire, with burning flames and aggressive as if ready to wipe out anything which comes its way.

REFLECTION: the person, anger affects the most, is one who is angry …!
“Anger” is such a strong emotion…because we give all our positive energy to it and are left with “negativity”….!!

Just read the image once again, the sun which has the power to destroy anything by its fire…burns itself too. ..!! Similarly, the one, who is angry, is not harming anyone else but himself. So the worst thing we can do with ourselves is to “get angry”….!

Why we get angry?????... it seems a very easy question…we can give thousands of reasons that what makes us gnashing our teeth …but have we ever thought that, “why should we get angry”…. “why we have to react in that manner only”…”why to take things so seriously and offensively”… “Why to be a magnet for negative emotions”…??
In short …when we know, that our ‘anger’ will not going to change anything about concerning situation or person…than why to get angry.

It is true , that there are certain situations and behaviors that are really unavoidable and demand for a hostile reaction from your side …but it doesn’t mean at all that your “aggressive reaction” will be the ultimate solution of any problem…so when “anger” is not the vital solution of any trouble…its better to leave it…and take decisions from a cool and calm mind which is more likely to give a positive way out .

So…whenever you loose your control over your nerves and get angry, instead of thinking “this makes me angry” .just think “why should get angry”…and its not for your enemy’s welfare …its for you…

Care for yourself and “don’t get angry” remember one thing…

“Don't let no small frustration
Ever bring you down…
Just take a situation

And turn it all around
With a new attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be

Stay mad, why do that? Give yourself a break
Laugh about it and you'll see the change…

Why be sad broken hearted?
There's so much to do
Life is hard or it's a party
The choice is up to you”…